Photographe professionnel agréé (ANTS et ANEF), le Studio Choi Photos réalise des photos d’identité conformes pour tous titres (e-photo, passeport, visa, LinkedIn, CV) et pays, y compris bébés dès 1 jour. Avantages : sans flash pour protéger les yeux fragiles, hygiène parfaite, sélection sur écran, garantie 30 jours, essai gratuit. Sans rendez-vous 10h-18h ou sur réservation. Appeler : 0671269695
You need a digital photo to apply for a passport online.
You must get a new photo when you get a new passport, even if your appearance has not changed.
Your photo must have been taken in the last month.
Your application will be delayed if your photos do not meet the rules.
You can get help with your passport photos if you’re disabled.
To apply for a passport online with a digital photo, you can:
Your photo must be:
The digital photo must:
If you’re using a photo taken during your application, include your head, shoulders and upper body. Do not crop your photo - it will be done for you.
In your photo you must:
Do not wear sunglasses or tinted glasses. You can wear other glasses if you need to, but your eyes must be visible without any glare or reflection.
Children must be on their own in the picture. Babies must not be holding toys or using dummies.
Children under 6 do not have to be looking directly at the camera or have a plain expression.
Children under one do not have to have their eyes open. You can support their head with your hand, but your hand must not be visible in the photo.
Children under one should lie on a plain light-coloured sheet. Take the photo from above.
Le Studio Choi Photos est à l'intérieur des Galeries Lafayette (étage 2 rayon enfant) du Centre Bourse à Marseille
You need 2 identical printed photos if you are applying for a passport using a paper form.
You need digital photos to apply for a passport online.
You must get a new photo when you get a new passport, even if your appearance has not changed.
Your photo must have been taken in the last month.
Your application will be delayed if your photos do not meet the rules.
You can get help with your passport photos if you’re disabled.
You need to provide 2 identical photos.
They must:
If you use a photo booth outside the UK, check it can give you photos that measure 45mm high by 35mm wide.
Your photos must be:
Your photos must:
In your photo, you must:
Do not wear sunglasses or tinted glasses. You can wear other glasses if you need to, but your eyes must be visible without any glare or reflection.
The image of you - from the crown of your head to your chin - must be between 29mm and 34mm high.
Children must be on their own in the picture. Babies must not be holding toys or using dummies.
Children under 6 do not have to be looking directly at the camera or have a plain expression.
Children under one do not have to have their eyes open. You can support their head with your hand, but your hand must not be visible in the photo.
When sending your application, your photos must be: