Studio Choi Photos Agréé Ministère de L'Intérieur

Photographe professionnel agréé (ANTS et ANEF), le Studio Choi Photos réalise des photos d’identité conformes pour tous titres (e-photo, passeport, visa, LinkedIn, CV) et pays, y compris bébés dès 1 jour. Avantages : sans flash pour protéger les yeux fragiles, hygiène parfaite, sélection sur écran, garantie 30 jours, essai gratuit. Sans rendez-vous 10h-18h ou sur réservation. Appeler : 0671269695

Photo Format 5x5 #ÉtatsUnis #inde #passeport #US #visa #ds-160

Photo sans lunette pour le passeport US 5x5

Photo sans lunette pour le passeport US 5x5

Choi Photos est le spécialiste de la photo d'identité à Marseille

Choi Photos est le spécialiste de la photo d'identité à Marseille

Comment faire une photo 5x5 pour le passeport à Marseille ?

Comment faire une photo 5x5 pour le passeport à Marseille ?

RequirementsYou must provide 1 photo with your application.Requirements for a Good Passport Photo Printed on matte or glossy photo quality paperSize of photo2 x 2 inches (51 x 51 mm) in sizeSize of head must be between 1 -1 3/8 inches (25 - 35 mm) from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head.View the Photo Composition Template for more size requirement details.Recent, taken in the last 6 months to reflect your current appearanceNo glassesIf you cannot remove your glasses for medical reasons, please include a signed note from your doctor with your application.Background must be plain white or off-whiteHead must be directly facing the camera with your full face in viewTaken with a neutral facial expression or a natural smile, with both eyes openIn colorTaken in clothing that you normally wear on a daily basisNo hats or head coverings, unless you wear it daily for religious purposes. Your full face must be visible and your head covering cannot cast shadows on your face.No headphones or wireless hands-free devices.To see examples of acceptable and unacceptable photos, please visit the Photo Examples page. Want to take your own photo?If you don't want to use one of the many retail locations that offer passport photo services, you may have a friend or family member take a photo of you. No selfies, please!Please note: Do not digitally enhance or alter the photo to change your appearance (however, you must remove red eye).The digital image must adhere to the following specifications:DimensionsThe image dimensions must be in a square aspect ratio (the height must be equal to the width). Minimum acceptable dimensions are 600 x 600 pixels. Maximum acceptable dimensions are 1200 x 1200 pixels.ColorThe image must be in color in sRGB color space which is the common output for most digital cameras.Please review the following technical requirements and references for guidance on taking your own passport photo.

Le studio Choi Photos est le spécialiste de la photo 5x5 à Marseille

Le studio Choi Photos est le spécialiste de la photo 5x5 à Marseille

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