The British Embassy and British Consulates-General in France have prepared a series of Guidance Notes to help British nationals with living and working in France : Information for British nationals living in France
Tél. 0671269695 | Accueil sur rendez-Vous | 1er Étage les Galeries Lafayette | Centre Bourse Marseille | Photographe Professionnel Agréé ANTS - Code E-PHOTO - ANEF - France Titre - France Identité - Permis de Conduire - Passeport - Carte Nationale d'Identité - Titre de Séjour - Carte de Résident - Titre de Voyage - DCEM
The photographs must be:
The photographs must also:
The photographs must show:
Please see the links below for more detailed information:
Full guidelines are available for members of the public by clicking here (pdf, 1.6mb, new window) or by clicking here if you are a professional/commercial photographer (pdf, 88kb, new window) .