Studio Choi Photos Agréé Ministère de L'Intérieur

Tél. 0671269695 | Accueil sur rendez-Vous | 1er Étage les Galeries Lafayette | Centre Bourse Marseille | Photographe Professionnel Agréé ANTS - Code E-PHOTO - ANEF - France Titre - France Identité - Permis de Conduire - Passeport - Carte Nationale d'Identité - Titre de Séjour - Carte de Résident - Titre de Voyage - DCEM

USA photo 5x5 ou 2 inch x 2inch

Photo Composition Templat


  • Make sure the photo presents the full head from the top of the hair to the bottom of the chin
  • Center the head with the frame
  • The person in the photo should have a neutral expression and be facing the camera

    Paper Photo Head Size Template

    Photo Composition Template

    • Photo must be 2 inches by 2 inches
    • The height of the head (top of hair to bottom of chin) should measure 1 inch to 1 3/8 inches (25 mm - 35 mm)
    • Make sure the eye height is between 1 1/8 inches to 1 3/8 inches (28 mm – 35 mm) from the bottom of the photo


    Digital Image Head Size Template

    Digital Image Composition Template

    • The top of the head, including the hair, to the bottom of the chin must be between 50% and 69% of the image's total height. The eye height (measured from the bottom of the image to the level of the eyes) should be between 56% and 69% of the image's height.

    • Image pixel dimensions must be in a square aspect ratio (meaning the height must be equal to the width). Minimum acceptable dimensions are 600 pixels (width) x 600 pixels (height). Maximum acceptable dimensions are 1200 pixels (width) x 1200 pixels (height).


    Well Composed Photo Composition Examples

    Well Composed Photo Examples

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