Studio Choi Photos Agréé Ministère de L'Intérieur

Tél. 0671269695 | Accueil sur rendez-Vous | 1er Étage les Galeries Lafayette | Centre Bourse Marseille | Photographe Professionnel Agréé ANTS - Code E-PHOTO - ANEF - France Titre - France Identité - Permis de Conduire - Passeport - Carte Nationale d'Identité - Titre de Séjour - Carte de Résident - Titre de Voyage - DCEM

Irish Passport Photo Guidelines - Getting an Irish passport photo in Marseille city center

  • Not be a scanned photo.
  • Be in colour.
  • Not be less than 715 pixels wide and 951 pixels in height.
  • Be in JPEG format.
  • Not have compression, loss or compression artefacts.
  • Not be digitally enhanced or changed.
  • Not contain barrel or other distortion.
  • Not be larger than 9 megabytes (9MB).
  • If you are taking a photo at home and encounter problems, consider visiting a photo booth or photo provider.
  • Ensure your facial features are visible, hair should not cover any part of the eyes.
  • You can wear glasses. The frame must not cover any part of your eyes. There must be no glare on the lenses. Dark glasses are not permitted.
  • You can wear a head covering for religious or medical reasons. Your full facial features must be visible. You cannot wear head accessories for any other reason.
  • Do not wear sunglasses.
Example of Unacceptable Passport Photograph for Irish Passport - Guidelines on pose and visuals Example of Acceptable Passport Photograph for Irish Passport - Guidelines on pose and visuals
Not Acceptable


  • Your photo must be in focus. Balance the lighting and colour, not too dark or too light.
  • There must not be any shadows on your face or behind your head.
  • 'Red eye' in photographs is not acceptable.
  • Good colour balance and natural skin tones are essential.
Example of Unacceptable Photograph - Lighting and Shadows Example of Acceptable Photograph - Lighting and Shadows
Not Acceptable



  • Make sure your expression is neutral, do not smile and close your mouth.
  • Do not tilt your head up/down or left/right. Look straight into the camera.
Example of Unacceptable Passport Photograph - Facial Expression Example of Acceptable Photograph - Facial Expression
Not Acceptable


  • The photo must capture your image from head to mid torso.
  • Please ensure there is visible space between your head and shoulders and the edge of your photo.
  • Uniforms, whether civil or military, or clothing bearing insignia are not permitted.
Passport Online Example Photo Passport Online Example Photo - Too Far Away Passport Online Example Photo Too Close In
Acceptable Not Acceptable. Too far away. Not acceptable. Too close in.


  • You need to stand in front of a completely plain, light grey, white or cream background.
  • No objects such as door panels or plants should be visible in your passport photo.
Example of Unacceptable Background for Passport Photograph Example of Acceptable Background for Irish Passport Photograph
Not Acceptable


  • If your infant or very young child cannot support themselves, they should be photographed lying down on a plain, white surface.
  • No one else should appear in the photo, so make sure that hands or arms used to support the child are not visible.
  • Soothers/pacifiers cannot be present in photographs as these can obscure facial features.
Example of Unacceptable Child Passport Photograph - Pose and Expression Example of Acceptable Child Passport Photograph - Pose and Expression
Pose and Expression Not Acceptable
Pose and Expression Acceptable
 Example of Acceptable Child Passport Photograph - Facial Features
Not Acceptable Facial Features
Acceptable Facial Features
Not Acceptable Background
Acceptable Background




Getting an Irish passport photo in Marseille city center

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