Studio Choi Photos Agréé Ministère de L'Intérieur

Tél. 0671269695 | Accueil sur rendez-Vous | 1er Étage les Galeries Lafayette | Centre Bourse Marseille | Photographe Professionnel Agréé ANTS - Code E-PHOTO - ANEF - France Titre - France Identité - Permis de Conduire - Passeport - Carte Nationale d'Identité - Titre de Séjour - Carte de Résident - Titre de Voyage - DCEM

Passport Photo Ireland - Passeport Irlande - Studio Choi Photos Le spécialiste de la photo d'identité de Passeport et de Visa à Marseille

Passport Photo Guidelines

Poor quality photos are one of the main reasons we reject passport applications. You must submit a photo that has been taken in the last six months. This is a requirement from the International Civil Aviation Organisation. Your application will be delayed if your photos do not meet the rules. If you have a disability that prevents you meeting photo requirements, contact us and we can advise you.

Applying online

You must submit a digital photo.

Applying by paper application form

You must submit a printed photo.

Digital photos

You need a digital photo to apply for a Passport Book or Passport Card online.

Printed photos

You need a printed photo to apply for a Passport Book by paper application form.

Digital and print photo guidelines on pose and visuals
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